Money, Meet Mouth: Announcing “The Twitteracy Project”

I have decided to implement Twitter as a regular feature in one of my English classes this coming year. It’s still very much in the planning stages now, but I hope to have a full outline of my thought process, intended goals/objectives, and initial instructional implementation up here by the end of the weekend or early next week. Throughout the coming semester, I’ll post lessons & uses, successes & failures, my reflections, and student reactions. Of course, the safety and anonymity of my students are among my primary concerns here, so you’ll understand if I have to be vague and non-specific from time to time.

If you are interested in using Twitter as an educational tool, I hope you’ll stay tuned and contribute thoughts and questions to the mix as this project evolves. I’ll be tagging all relevant posts as “Twitteracy Project” for your ease in following.


  • Top idea. I’ve got a couple of ideas, although they’re both for lessons I know I won’t be teaching next year so I need to try and adapt them.
    Basic idea is to use Twittercamp and get pupils to use their phones to twit a question about a source (probably a song) they’ve got. Once the question’s been asked it can’t be asked again. They then nominate a question they want to find the answer to and work on it. That’s where it gets a bit sketchy! I think there might be a wiki involved to track answers but it will need further pondering.
    Good luck though, can’t wait to see how you get on with it!

  • Sounds cool. I will stay tuned. I’m not sure how I would use Twitter, so I am focusing on some other tools right now. I can’t wait to hear how your project goes! Maybe it will inspire me to use it with my kids. Good luck and look forward to hearing about it!

  • Dave – This is mostly for you – How is using Twitter in the situation you’re describing above any better than using a chalk/whiteboard or even a wiki to record that information? Why does it need to be Twitter?

    Damian – Interested to see what you do. Convince me that there’s a need that Twitter fills in the classroom. I love Twitter – but I’m concerned – I see people forcing its use for no particular reason other than that it’s Twitter. As I said – convince me.

  • I’d have to agree with Bud. I’ve been thinking about Twitter for a few months now, wondering if it’s useful for the classroom, but not coming up with much. I’ll be interested to see what you do.

  • Bud is on target here. Tweeting for the sake of tweeting is odd. Its value is, at best, an abstraction. Will Richardson’s “exchange” best captures the odd quality of Twitter.

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