Archive for the ‘Habits of Mind’ Category

Habits of Mind: Empathy

This post is part of a series on sixteen “Habits of Mind” put forth by Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick as being “necessary for success in school, work, and life” (Costa & Kallick, 2010, p. 212).

Listening with understanding and empathy: Understand others! Devoting mental energy to another person’s thoughts and ideas; holding in abeyance one’s own thoughts in order to perceive another’s point of view and emotions.

I’m taking this post a bit off-topic and writing not about how I am empathic at work, but rather, how a personal experience forced me into the proverbial mile in another’s shoes.

On December 20th, I had surgery to correct femoral acetabular impingement.  My prognosis is good – the surgeon predicted an eventual return to full athletic activity for me, but in the meantime I had a few physical limitations:

  • No driving for two full weeks after surgery
  • Walk assisted, to some degree, by crutches for at least the first four weeks after surgery
  • Very limited mobility in my right leg for the first few weeks after surgery
  • No bending at the hip past 90 degrees for six weeks after surgery

The weeks since the 20th have given me a refresher course in awareness of issues of mobility and physical access. Here are some of my experiences from the last month:

Week 1: While I was able to get around on two crutches, I felt weak, nauseous, and tired much of the time from the surgery and pain meds.  The first few days I spent mostly horizontal on the couch, alternately reading, watching TV, and napping.  I avoided getting up as much as possible not so much because of the walking on crutches, but because the physical act of getting up off the couch without bending my hip was so taxing.  I had to mentally prepare myself just to get off the couch – I was not used to that.  Learning to use the crutches properly took a little getting used to as well – put your weight on the handles, not the armpit pads.  I’ll spare you the details of how I managed in the bathroom, but suffice to say that I had to reinvent how I did all the many things one does in the bathroom in order to stay upright and not stress the hip joint.  If you want a small taste of what it was like, try taking a shower (and getting in and out) standing on one foot. Good luck with that.

Week 2: Significantly better than Week 1, but still on two crutches.  Getting in and out of the car (as a passenger) was laborious, as I not only had to lean backwards into the seat, but then lift my right leg into the car with two hands while not breaking the 90 degree bend at my hip.  That, plus the increased amount of time it took me to get from Point A to Point B on the crutches made being ambulatory feel kind of like more trouble than it was worth (and what a horrible thing to feel!).

Weeks 3-4: Back to work!  I returned from Winter Break on the two-week post-op date – I was allowed to drive, but the hour+ drive to work made for an uncomfortable ten hours each week.  I often felt in danger of breaking the 90 degree rule, so I rolled up a fleece blanket and sat on that while leaning the seat back as far as it would go – still not terribly comfortable, but thankfully I have long arms and have been able to live with this arrangement.  I also spent the first few days spectacularly underestimating how long it would take me to get to different locations around my building.

Now: As I write this, I am just shy of four weeks from my surgery, and things are going about as well as could be expected.  I’m walking mostly unassisted, but I’m not allowed to bend beyond 90 degrees at the hip until the end of January, and I still have to take it slow going up stairs.  I feel fortunate that my recovery has gone as well as it has.

It still amazes me how much of the last month I have spent thinking about my body – not in terms of vanity or exercise, but in a purely logical, mechanical sense:

  • How can I group the tasks I need to get done so I can minimize the amount of time I spend on my feet?
  • Should I bring a backpack to work so I can carry more than one thing at a time?
  • What’s the quickest way to get to X or Y classroom in case I’m needed?
  • When are the halls filled with students, so I can time my trips to classrooms/offices/bathroom accordingly?
  • Now that I’m in the kitchen/bedroom/office, do I have everything I came in here for so I don’t have to make another trip in 10 minutes?
  • Should I just stand at the counter and eat my food now or should I make multiple slow trips to get it all into the living room?
  • Should I sit uncomfortably in my office chair and think constantly about breaking the 90 degree mark or should I just stand at my desk to work?*
  • When do I need to get dressed in order to have someone around to put my right sock on for me?
  • What clothes/shoes do I have to wear in order to make getting dressed less challenging?**
  • Is my hip flexion breaking 90 degrees?  What about now?  How about now?  Now?

But here’s the thing – I won’t be living with these issues forever.  I have, for a very short period of time, experienced a hint of what lots of folks live with on a full-time basis: limited mobility, persistent discomfort, and fatigue.  The experience has been a valuable one, not only for the long-term physical health benefits, but also for the concrete reminder that we all live, work, and move within different physical realities, and to be mindful of that at all times in our professional practice.

As Ira Socol says – and I frequently parrot – disability is often transactional.  In the case of physical disability, being mindful of the myriad potential physical conditions people can bring with them to your office, your shop, or your classroom and accommodating for them can lessen or remove their impact (read Ira’s blog post linked above for good examples of how).  Even those of us who consider ourselves sensitive to these issues may not fully recognize barriers until we experience them for ourselves.  Demonstrating empathy in this regard is elemental to establishing a culture of respect and trust, especially when one works with children and their families.


*Shout-out to my colleague Ryan, who provided me a tall stool from his office – a low-cost assistive technology accommodation that has made working at my desk significantly more tolerable for this 6’2″ guy with restricted hip movement.

**My 3-year-old daughter can zip up my black Chelsea boots for me, so they’ve gotten a lot of wear this month.



Costa, A.L. & Kallick, B. (2010). It takes some getting used to: rethinking curriculum for the 21st century. In H. H. Jacobs (Ed.), Curriculum 21: essential education for a changing world (pp. 210-226). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Habits of Mind: Persistence & Impulsivity

My blogging has taken a bit of a back seat of late due to a whirlwind of activity at work, preparations for my upcoming hip surgery on the 20th, the usual holiday hoo-hah surrounding Hanukkah and Christmas (we get down both ways in my house), and struggling with my literature review on distributed leadership for grad school.  In the interest of maintaining some semblance of normalcy among all the insanity, I did want to pop in for a quick reflective piece on how I’ve been doing with the first two of Costa & Kallick’s (2010) habits of mind: persisting and managing impulsivity.

Persisting: Stick to it!  Persevering in a task through to completion; remaining focused.

This really isn’t much of a challenge for me when the tasks come one at a time, but it gets a bit more difficult when they start flying at me from all directions.  My default mode is to start a task, notice that another one is undone and start working on that, notice a third that just needs one quick thing done to it, after which I see something else that needs… and so on, which ties in neatly with:

Impulsivity: Take your time!  Thinking before acting; remaining calm, thoughtful, and deliberative.

Impulsivity is really only ever an issue for me when it comes to task completion, in that my focus tends to flit to whatever issue comes up next, regardless of how complete (or incomplete) the previous one is.  As work has become predictably more hectic in the period between Thanksgiving and the New Year, I’ve been more conscientious about completing one task (or at least getting to a natural break) before starting the next.  Without taking this deliberate approach to my work, it would be very easy for jobs and responsibilities to get buried and lost under the taskalanche.  Happily, taking this deliberate approach has helped me to stay up to date on all my responsibilities, which was even more important to me than usual this year since my break started three days early due to my surgery.

I hope to get at least one more post up before 2012, but if I don’t, I wish you all a happy holiday season!


Costa, A.L. & Kallick, B.  (2010).   It takes some getting used to: rethinking curriculum for the 21st century.  In H. H. Jacobs (Ed.), Curriculum 21: essential education for a changing world (pp. 210-226).  Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Blogging the Habits of Mind

This past spring, I ran a workshop at the same conference at which Heidi Hayes Jacobs gave the keynote.  As part of my presenter’s “swag bag”, I received a copy of Dr. Jacobs’ Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World, a collection of essays about teaching and learning in the 21st century.

One essay by Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick, “It Takes Some Getting Used To: Rethinking Curriculum for the 21st Century”, references 16 “Habits of Mind” that the authors believe are “dispositions or attitudes that reflect the necessary skillful behaviors that students will need to practice as they become more thoughtful in their learning and in their lives… [they] are necessary for success in school, work, and life” (Costa & Kallick, 2000, 2009, as cited in Costa & Kallick, 2010, p. 212).

I’m all for success in school, work, and life – particularly my own – so I thought it might be fun to blog about my own learning, both at my new job and in my new doctoral program, within this framework (see, this is what passes for fun when you get old).  I plan to do this periodically between Sept-Oct 2011 and June 2012, so stay tuned.

Here is the list of Costa & Kallick’s 16 Habits of Mind:

  1. Persisting: Stick to it!  Persevering in a task through to completion; remaining focused.
  2. Managing impulsivity: Take your time!  Thinking before acting; remaining calm, thoughtful, and deliberative.
  3. Listening with understanding and empathy:  Understand others!  Devoting mental energy to another person’s thoughts and ideas; holding in abeyance one’s own thoughts in order to perceive another’s point of view and emotions.
  4. Thinking flexibly: Look at it another way!  Being able to change perspectives, generate alternatives, consider options.
  5. Thinking about your thinking (metacognition): Know your knowing!  Being aware of one’s own thoughts, strategies, feelings, and actions and their effects on others.
  6. Striving for accuracy and precision: Check it again!  A desire for exactness, fidelity, craftsmanship, and truthfulness.
  7. Questioning and problem posing: How do you know?  Having a questioning attitude; knowing what data are needed and developing questioning strategies to generate information.
  8. Applying past knowledge to novel situations: Use what you learn!  Accessing prior knowledge; transferring knowledge beyond the situation in which it was learned.
  9. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision: Be clear!  Striving for accurate communication in both written and oral form; avoiding overgeneralizations, distortions, and deletions.
  10. Gathering data through all senses: Use your natural pathways!  Gathering data through all the sensory pathways – gustatory, olfactory, tactile, kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.
  11. Creating, imagining, and innovating: Try a different way!  Generating new and novel ideas, fluency, originality.
  12. Responding with wonderment and awe: Have fun figuring it out!  Finding the world awesome and mysterious, and being intrigued with phenomena and beauty.
  13. Taking responsible risks: Venture out!  Being adventuresome; living on the edge of one’s competence.
  14. Finding humor: Laugh a little!  Finding the whimsical, incongruous, and unexpected.  Being able to laugh at oneself.
  15. Thinking interdependently: Work together!  Being able to work with and learn from others in reciprocal situations.
  16. Remaining open to continuous learning: Learn from experiences!  Having humility and pride when admitting we don’t know; resisting complacency.
(Costa & Kallick, 2010, pp. 212-213)

What do you think of this list?  Are there any glaring omissions?  Anything you would add?  Any ideas you feel need emphasis over others?



Costa, A.L. & Kallick, B.  (2010).   It takes some getting used to: rethinking curriculum for the 21st century.  In H. H. Jacobs (Ed.), Curriculum 21: essential education for a changing world (pp. 210-226).  Alexandria, VA: ASCD.