Leadership Day 2009

Scott McLeod at Dangerously Irrelevant asks the educational blogging community to write about effective (or ineffective) school technology leadership today.  School leadership in general has been on my mind the last few months, and will undoubtedly find its way to this blog sooner rather than later, but to address Dr. McLeod’s focus on school technology, I thought I’d give a shout-out to a former supervisor of mine who I feel deserves much credit for his willingness to support my explorations with educational technology, and could serve as a model to other supervisors whose teachers would like their students to collaborate and publish online.

Mr. X was the third supervisor I’d worked under as an English teacher at my former school, but the first under whom I started working with wikis, podcasts, etc. with my students.  Whenever I have spoken about these experiences, formally or informally, I make it a point to credit Mr. X as integral to whatever degree of success my students experienced via these projects, not because he had any hand in implementing them with me, but because he did four things that I think any supervisor would do well to emulate:

1. He asked questions. I don’t discount how fortunate I was to have a supervisor who, not knowing terribly much about a wiki, was willing to say, “I’m interested; tell me more about it and why this could be beneficial to learning.”  He very easily could have shut me down without a discussion, but instead, he took time out of his exceedingly busy schedule to spend many sessions with me, not only learning about whatever project I initially proposed, but also to follow up with me, observe my classes, and speak to my students.  He was also available to me as a sounding board; quite a few times, I visited him to say, “I have this great idea for a project; here’s where I think I want to go with it and how I’d like to do it, but I just can’t figure out x or y.”  Again, it would have been easy for him to take that as a sign of ‘weakness’ or unpreparedness on my part and shut down the project, but instead he saw it for what it was: one colleague who doesn’t have all the answers reaching out to another to help him create the best possible learning situation for his students.  He was willing to engage in discussion about teaching and learning (and give suggestions!) in a medium that was new to him, for which I give him much credit.

2. He supported me outside of his office, by which I mean that when word of my tech-based projects floated up the administrative ladder, he was willing to stand behind me and support my students online projects all the way up to the district superintendent (who, it must be said, also ended up being very supportive and appreciative of my efforts).  Again, it would have been easy to tell me “You’re on your own”, but he had the professional integrity to stand with me as I tried what some might have considered unorthodox or unusual – certainly new for that school at that time.

3. He looked at the big picture. When I approached him about replacing one of my research papers in my curriculum with a wiki-based collaborative project, one of the first questions he asked (see #1) was about the skills each assignment aimed to teach or hone.  When he was sufficiently satisfied that there was extensive overlap in skills between the research paper and wiki project, as well as considered the additional benefits I thought the wiki project brought he greenlit the change.  As much as I hate the cliche, he was willing to think outside the box and consider an unusual request that others might have dismissed out of hand.

4. He trusted me as a professional. This is no small feat.  In an era where Internet filters and draconian usage policies imply that teachers cannot be trusted to go outside their school network’s walled garden, Mr. X not only supported my decision to do so, but also to take my students with me.  I don’t believe he would have supported me so fervently if he didn’t trust that I knew what I was doing (or at least had a pretty good idea, with one or two contingency plans, just in case!).  This has less to do with technology, in my opinion, and more to do with good leadership in general.  I have always felt that good leaders don’t try to be experts in every area; rather, they identify the people around them who are strong in certain areas and look to them for advice to supplement their own strengths.  Mr. X is an incredibly knowledgable teacher with many years of experience, but in this one small arena, I was more knowledgable, and he trusted me enough to let me lead the way into heretofore uncharted territory.

Overall, the administrative attitude towards technology in my old school was very positive and progressive.  I’ve said many times that we had the most liberal filtering software of any district I’ve heard of, and there was (and, I believe, still is) a strong “teachers teaching teachers” professional development model.  That said, there still existed among the faculty the fear, ignorance, and apathy that comprises much of the opposition to educational technology and Internet-based projects.  I don’t know how differently things would have turned out if this hadn’t been the atmosphere in which Mr. X and I worked, but I think this goes to show that support for educational technology must be systemic and built-in in order for it to benefit teachers’ professional practice and, ultimately, their students.

The last thought with which I’d like to leave you, especially if you are in a position of educational leadership, is to be willing to break from convention when considering implementation of educational technology.  The paranoid and alarmist responses I’ve most often heard coming from parents and administrators seem to be the result of considering the worst-case scenario.  I would ask all of you who are in a position to support educational technology to ask yourself not, “what’s the worst that can happen”, but rather, “what’s the best that can happen?”  Chances are that reality will lie somewhere in between the extremes.


  • Damian, what an touching compliment to your mentor and supervisor. Sounds like he trusted you and had a vision for leadership and learning. He played a pivotal role in your success and that of your student.

    I am curious why you didn’t name him. Will you find another avenue through which to share your gratitude?

    Thanks for the reminder to leaders to be nurturers of experimentation.
    .-= Jan Smith´s last blog ..Tech Whisperer: drive out fear =-.

  • Hey Damian – sorry to have been so quiet, I managed to forget to subscribe to your new site when you switched. Blogging took a backseat second semester to survival. You seem to have been prolific – lots for me to catch up on!

    Just a little point – I think that you made a good call on leaving the actual name of your supervisor off of the post (that is assuming that you have yet to hear back from him on this.) It’s important to give others full control of how they appear online.


    .-= Jeff Pierce´s last undefined ..(Enjoy 10 returned posts for 2 weeks) =-.

  • Thanks for the kind words, folks. Jan, I considered naming this person, but the general consensus amongst my Twitter colleagues (which Jeff affirms for me here) was not to do so without explicit permission. As I wrote this blog post in a hotel room while my wife and kids slept with only a few hours left to publish on the designated Sunday, I figured getting the post out in a timely manner was more important. Beside, I’ve made no secret of where I work or used to work, and if someone really wanted to figure out who I’m talking about, I’m sure it wouldn’t be terribly difficult. I’ll likely be seeing him in a week or two, so I’ll mention the blog post to him. If he gives permission, I’m happy to edit the post to include his name.

    Long time no see, Jeff! Good to see you back in the blogosphere. I’m already subscribed to your new joint; looking forward to hearing your thoughts on your journey thru higher ed.

  • Hi Damian, I know who that wonderful supervisor and colleague is! Well this is my forst foray into the online world of wiki/blogs, and I wanted to thank you for the wonderful presentation to our 21st century group earlier this summer. Our next meeting will feature Will Richardson, so its been like a reunion of former HCRHS folk this summer. So glad we have five whole weeks of summer left…I’m going to need them since I’m nowhere near where I’d hoped to be at this time in the season. I guess you’re going to tell me that you pay the extra each month to get this wiki looking so fine! I’ll invite you to take a peek when mine gets closer to presentable, especially since you were one of my inspirations and the topic of the site is the Future Educators Club[FEA]. We all know how they crave inspiration, so I’m hoping to have a link for experts to speak to the students. What do you think?

  • Hi Lynn!

    It was my pleasure to speak to the group this summer; I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with this coming year. What a fantastic opportunity, both for the teachers and students involved. Please do send me a link to the FEA’s online presence when you get it up; I’d love to see what you come up with.

    Be grateful you have five more weeks of summer – we go back August 24th! (‘course, we also get out June 11, so it all evens out, I guess!)

  • […] their thoughts on topics surrounding educational leadership as it pertains to technology.  In my 2009 entry, I listed four key attributes of someone I considered to be a superlative model of educational […]

  • […] on which online bio you read), or maybe both; I’m not quite sure.  In 2009, I wrote about my experiences working for an effective school leader, and in 2010 I suggested that meaningful leadership (technology-related or otherwise) doesn’t […]

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