O Conflict! O Strife!

The good news: My wife is due to give birth to a bouncing baby girl in Doylestown, PA between Feb. 16-19, 2008.

The other good news: I was one of three teachers at my school invited to present at the New Jersey Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. The four-hour (!) session will cover some basics on the teaching potentials in the Web 2.0 “standards”: wikis, blogs, Moodle, podcasts, etc., and will be part instruction, part hands-on workshop for attendees (mostly administrators, supervisors, and curriculum folks, but also some teachers). This conference will take place in Jamesburg, NJ on Feb. 12, 2008.

The conflict: Our first child came four weeks early, and my wife could really go at any time. I work about 45 minutes away from home; the conference takes place nearly an hour and a half from my house. If she hasn’t already delivered by the 12th, do I travel the extra distance so close to her due date? The return route to D-town requires traversing both the NJ and PA Turnpikes, for those of you who know the area.


  • Yee gods… that’s officially the sword of Damocles.

    I say, plan to go, but also plan on co-presenting so that you can make a game-time decision.

  • Man, that is a bummer decision to have to make. But as a mother, I say pass on the presentation. There will be other presentations, you can never get time with your children back! Remember “Cats In The Cradle.” No matter what the situation is at that time your wife will need you. But that is just me.

  • Chris says co-go. Pamela says stay. Pamela is a mother. Ken is a father. Ken says pass on the presentation. Sure, it will be a gratifying experience; rewarding and something to add to the vitae, but what’s more rewarding???

    Oh…the birth of a child.

    In the great pyramid of milestones, bearing witness to the birth of a child should be firmly planted at the top…right next to saving Earth in Halo3.

    Long live Master Chief! Long live the birth of children.

    Oh…Doylestown? Chamber19 has a great all-you-can-eat crab night every Thursday.

    Never knew we were so close geographically (is there any other kind of closeness?).

    Congrats! My wife and I are expecting our 3rd mid-March.

  • @ken We might be closer than you think. I live in the Bedminster/Dublin area, just a mile off Rte 313. I’ve been to Chamber 19, and their spinach salad is a thing of beauty. We haven’t dined there much since they shut down our favorite D-town eatery, Roosevelt’s Blue Star. Congrats to you as well on your trifecta!

    @everyone Make no mistake, I’m in no way equating a presentation with the birth of a child. I guess what I’m struggling with is having to make this decision so far in advance. If my wife up and gives birth the first week of Feb., then this isn’t even a problem – I’d have to be back to work by the 12th anyway.

    I just don’t want to get that phone call so far from home and have to race against the clock to get home. What are the odds that she’ll deliver on that day? Would I be tempting fate to travel the extra 45 mins?

    Maybe I should just hope for an early delivery – have her jog a few laps each day toward the end of January…

  • STAY HOME!!!

  • I’m sure you’ll figure out what to do. I like Chris Lehmann’s suggestion. If you have a co-presenter, you’re covered. Congratulations, though! A new daughter is a wonderful thing, and it’s also pretty wonderful to be recognized for the good work you do. I’m sure however it goes, it won’t be the last time you get an opportunity to present.

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