Fathers & Sons, Vol. II

I’m not much of a crier.

In fact, I can probably count the number of times I’ve cried in my adult life on one hand (OK, maybe two). That’s not meant to be some macho boast, but rather to give you some context for what I’m about to say:

In the week since I discovered this song by Ben Folds, I don’t think I’ve managed to get through it once without at least shedding a tear (today on the ride home from grad school), or at most, breaking down into full-body sobs (last Sunday night). In a good way.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/mRlgq59dsFQ" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

I’ll leave the cinematographic analysis to those far better qualified, because for me, that’s way beside the point right now. Every once in a while, a song comes along that connects with you on an emotional level so deep that it just floors you. This song has humbled me in a way I’m having trouble articulating. If you’re a parent, though, I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about.


  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on this. Having two young children, I’ve also found similar connections with this song and my place in life.

    Incidentally, Ben Folds’ “The Luckiest” was my wedding song so I’ve felt connection to their music before.

    And coincidentally, I just posted a blurb on powerful/inspiration videos. I’ll add this to my list. http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/670


  • @Alec Wow, talk about coincidence with these blog posts. I checked out Eliot’s story, and got about 45 seconds into it before I knew I wasn’t going to make it without bawling. Funny how fatherhood changes all that about a person; I would’ve had empathy, but wouldn’t have blinked an eye at that 5 years ago.

    I love “The Luckiest”…the final verse gets me hardest. My cousin had it played at his wedding (not his “song”, though) last September, so I’ve had it on my radar since then. Beautiful song. That whole album is very removed from what he did with the Ben Folds Five, but excellent in a different way.

    Thanks for dropping by to comment!

  • I’m a huge Ben Folds fan and like Alec “The Luckiest” was my wedding song.

    Being a father of a daughter (and another one on the way next month!) I connect to his song “Gracie”.

    I found this video, http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tadt30Xyjxk, where Ben Folds talks about how he wrote “We’re Still Fighting” and “Gracie” for his kids who happen to be twins (around 2:40 into the video).

  • Just thought I should give a shout-out to my kids! They’re so gosh-darn handsome! And little. And diapered.

    I used to like Ben Folds, but then I heard that they had a big fight, a Go-Gos style, broke up.

    I hate when bands do that.

  • @David – Thanks for the link! I’ll be having a daughter in February (actually, my wife will be doing most of the work there), so maybe I’ll connect with that song as well.

    @Ken – I didn’t know that about the Five. Since discovering Ben’s solo stuff, I’ve also been listening to all their old albums again – that’s a shame.

  • back from your run yet? new post! new post! new post!

  • I love the song, but never saw the video. Thanks for that. I’m a big Ben Folds fan. I have two boys and I don’t know if that’s the connection, but it is a song that can choke me up depending on the moment.

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