If you are a regular visitor to this blog, perhaps you’ve noticed a new tab on the upper-right-hand side menu: Teaching Materials. I’ve decided that it would be a shame if the lesson plans, projects, activities, and related materials I created over eight years of teaching were to just sit on my hard drive and rot. Over the next few days, I will be uploading my entire “stash” to DivShare, a free file-hosting site. Once everything is up, I’ll write some descriptions and post links to folders for each course I taught over the last eight years. Furthermore, all my work will be licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC, which allows you to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work (in fact, please adapt and make it better!), but not for commercial purposes. Also, if you do use any of my stuff other than in your classroom (e.g., on the Web), a link back to me would be most appreciated!
So far, I’ve got my stuff from two of six courses up (seven courses really, but I’m combining materials for the Honors and non-Honors Brit Lit courses). I’ll post an update here once all the materials are up.
legal mumbo jumbo question:
Do you have exclusive rights to the material you created, or is it really the property of your district?
Just curious.
Good question, and one to which I haven’t got an answer. I’ll ask around, but I’d be surprised if there was anything in writing addressing the issue one way or the other.