EdcampNJ Is Almost Here!

Just a quickie post to further publicize an upcoming Edcamp event with which I am involved – EdcampNJ!

If you’re not familiar with Edcamp/ “unconference” events, here’s how I described the event this past summer:

Most of you who read blogs by educators are at least passingly familiar with Edcamp, the participant-driven “unconference”  for educators based on the BarCamp model.  Edcamps typically do not have keynote speakers or even pre-determined workshop schedules; rather, attendees come together first thing in the morning to offer sessions based on their own knowledge, expertise, and experience.  Sessions are typically more conversation-driven than lecture-driven, and those who offer sessions act more as discussion facilitators than presenters.  In other words, the Edcamp folks have taken the most valuable parts of the professional conference – the “coffee pot conversations” held with your colleagues in between sessions and at lunch – and built the entire event around them.

This event will take place this coming Saturday, December 1, 2012, at Linwood Middle School in North Brunswick, NJ, from 9am – 3pm.  As of last count, we have over 400 educators of all backgrounds and geographic locations (including some from across the pond!) signed up to attend; if even only 50% of those show, it will be one of the best-attended Edcamp events ever.

As always, the cost to attend is free – we just ask that you register so we know how many to expect.

There promises to be something for everyone at this event, and if nothing offered tickles your fancy – run your own session!  You don’t have to be an expert to run a session, you just have to want to hold a conversation.  I will be there, and plan to blog my reflections on the day later in December.

Hope to see you there!


  • Hi Damian

    It will be great to finally meet, in person. I’m looking forward to attending the Edcamp this Saturday.


  • Thanks, Brian; I’m looking forward to meeting you as well! See you Saturday.

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