Archive for the ‘Fatherhood’ Category

A: Shit.

Q: What did my two-year-old say when one of his magnetic toys fell off the fridge and broke?

I vehemently disagree with those who wish to disarm Taylor and others of their F-bombs (it’s the Internet, people; get a grip), but if I can’t censor myself appropriately around my son, he’ll soon be picking up more than just his broken toys.

Status update: After lots of false starts (hey, the holidays were stressful), I’m three consecutive days “clean”. Oh, and my son? I sat him down and we talked about how when we get frustrated, we should say “Oh, pants!” (first silly-sounding word that came to mind) We practiced it a few times, and he got the giggles so hard he couldn’t say anything for a while. I’ll keep it up with him; I hope it takes like that other word did.

Fathers & Sons, Vol. III

We ate breakfast this morning at a local deli/diner with my brother- and father-in-law. In between mouthfuls of Mickey Mouse-shaped pancake, my just-shy-of-three-year-old said, “Daddy, I want to tell you a secret.” I obliged by leaning in close, and I heard his breath quicken slightly as he whispered:

“I love you the bestest ever.”

Can you believe there was a time I thought fatherhood wasn’t for me?

Talk about going out on a high note, 2007.  Happy New Year, everybody.

Props to the New Pops

Within twenty-four hours of each other, my colleagues Dave Stacey and David Robb both managed to bring new life into this world (I hear their wives may have played some part in the process as well).

Congratulations, gents! I’ll be re-joining the ranks of “fathers of infants” in under three months – keep a changing pad warm for a brother.



Fathers & Sons, Vol. II

I’m not much of a crier.

In fact, I can probably count the number of times I’ve cried in my adult life on one hand (OK, maybe two). That’s not meant to be some macho boast, but rather to give you some context for what I’m about to say:

In the week since I discovered this song by Ben Folds, I don’t think I’ve managed to get through it once without at least shedding a tear (today on the ride home from grad school), or at most, breaking down into full-body sobs (last Sunday night). In a good way.

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I’ll leave the cinematographic analysis to those far better qualified, because for me, that’s way beside the point right now. Every once in a while, a song comes along that connects with you on an emotional level so deep that it just floors you. This song has humbled me in a way I’m having trouble articulating. If you’re a parent, though, I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about.